Baby Felix is an animated show for kids that follows the adventures of a young Felix the Cat and baby versions of the characters from Joe Oriolo's Felix show from the 1950s. Don Oriolo, Oriolo's son, started it in 2000 with help from NHK Educational, NEC Interchannel, and AEON inc. of Japan. There are 26 half-hour episodes of the show. It's another "Baby Cartoon Revival," like Muppet Babies, Baby Looney Tunes, and The Flintstone Kids. A-Design put all 26 episodes out on 9 DVDs that were sold in Bulgaria. In 2010, DVDs were also made available in Hungary.
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Baby Felix is an animated show for kids that follows the adventures of a young Felix the Cat and baby versions of the characters from Joe Oriolo's Felix show from the 1950s. Don Oriolo, Oriolo's son, started it in 2000 with help from NHK Educational, NEC Interchannel, and AEON inc. of Japan. There are 26 half-hour episodes of the show. It's another "Baby Cartoon Revival," like Muppet Babies, Baby Looney Tunes, and The Flintstone Kids. A-Design put all 26 episodes out on 9 DVDs that were sold in Bulgaria. In 2010, DVDs were also made available in Hungary.