The story takes place during Bruce Wayne's early years as Batman, after his initial phase of battling organized crime. It comes after his initial period of training to become Batman. Throughout the course of the season, he works with the assistance of his butler, Alfred Pennyworth, to refine his abilities. Bruce is presented with the opportunity to meet Tatsu Yamashiro, who is Alfred's goddaughter. Tatsu is a master of martial arts swords who was initially employed as a bodyguard for Bruce, but later became Batman's sidekick in the superhero team.
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The story takes place during Bruce Wayne's early years as Batman, after his initial phase of battling organized crime. It comes after his initial period of training to become Batman. Throughout the course of the season, he works with the assistance of his butler, Alfred Pennyworth, to refine his abilities. Bruce is presented with the opportunity to meet Tatsu Yamashiro, who is Alfred's goddaughter. Tatsu is a master of martial arts swords who was initially employed as a bodyguard for Bruce, but later became Batman's sidekick in the superhero team.