Big Day, originally named A Day in the Life, is an American situation comedy that premiered on ABC on November28,2006, and ran through January30, 2007. Josh Goldsmith and Cathy Yuspa co-produced the show, which was directed by Michael Spiller for Sony Pictures Television. The series broadcast in Canada on CanWest's Global and CH stations. It was originally scheduled to premiere on October5,2006, alongside Notes from the Underbelly, but ABC changed its schedule at the last minute, moving Ugly Betty to Thursday, displacing both sitcoms whose "buzz" was not particularly promising. Tuesdays at 9:00/8:00c, Big Day aired. The Knights of Prosperity, a new sitcom with a higher "buzz," was supposed to fill the time slot, but ABC shifted it to Wednesdays so Big Day could take precedence. Big Day was a ratings flop, according to the numbers. Big Day's first season ended on January 30, 2007, with just 12 of the 13 produced episodes airing, leaving The $10,000 Check unaired. Following the network's announcement of their 2007-2008 fall schedule on May 15, 2007, ABC officially cancelled the show. Between 2007 and 2008, a film based on the show was canceled twice in development. In2010, a remake of the film adaption is in the works.
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