HGTV Canada broadcasts the Canadian reality television series Consumed, produced by Paperny Entertainment. The series follows decluttering expert Jill Pollack, who challenges families weighed down by their belongings to exist for 30 days with only the minimum necessities. After thirty days, families must select which items they genuinely need and which they can donate. The series, which is predominantly filmed in the Greater Vancouver area, debuted on August 30, 2011.
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HGTV Canada broadcasts the Canadian reality television series Consumed, produced by Paperny Entertainment. The series follows decluttering expert Jill Pollack, who challenges families weighed down by their belongings to exist for 30 days with only the minimum necessities. After thirty days, families must select which items they genuinely need and which they can donate. The series, which is predominantly filmed in the Greater Vancouver area, debuted on August 30, 2011.