DHX Media's animated series Dennis the Menace is based on Hank Ketcham's comic strip. Dennis the Menace, a blond boy with a cowlick and a mischievous demeanor, gets into scrapes and adventures with Ruff, Joey, Margaret, Gina, Tommy, PeeBee, and Jay. Dennis is an impulsive, angel-faced devil who torments his neighbor, Mr. Wilson. Dennis has outrageous adventures but always saves the day. The Program Exchange syndicated the series in the U.S. Second season on CBS, Saturday mornings. Each half-hour show has three shorts. GM sponsored the show.
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DHX Media's animated series Dennis the Menace is based on Hank Ketcham's comic strip. Dennis the Menace, a blond boy with a cowlick and a mischievous demeanor, gets into scrapes and adventures with Ruff, Joey, Margaret, Gina, Tommy, PeeBee, and Jay. Dennis is an impulsive, angel-faced devil who torments his neighbor, Mr. Wilson. Dennis has outrageous adventures but always saves the day. The Program Exchange syndicated the series in the U.S. Second season on CBS, Saturday mornings. Each half-hour show has three shorts. GM sponsored the show.