Gordon's Great Escape is a television show that is hosted by chef Gordon Ramsay. Series 1 shows Ramsay's first trip to India, where he learns about the country's food traditions. The series was made by One Potato Two Potato and Optomen, and it aired on Channel 4 for three nights in a row from January 18 to January 20, 2010 as part of their "Indian Winter" promotion. In the second series, which aired in May 2011, Ramsay went to Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam to learn about the food and cooking traditions of Southeast Asia.
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Gordon's Great Escape is a television show that is hosted by chef Gordon Ramsay. Series 1 shows Ramsay's first trip to India, where he learns about the country's food traditions. The series was made by One Potato Two Potato and Optomen, and it aired on Channel 4 for three nights in a row from January 18 to January 20, 2010 as part of their "Indian Winter" promotion. In the second series, which aired in May 2011, Ramsay went to Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam to learn about the food and cooking traditions of Southeast Asia.