The animated series Green Lantern is based on the DC Comics superhero. Cartoon Network's "DC Nation" block airs the show. The show lasted from November11, 2011 through March16,2013, with a new episode every week. New York Comic Con 2011 screened the first episode on Oct.15, 2011. This is the first CGI DC/WB series and Green Lantern TV show. The show was canceled after one season due to poor toy sales from the live-action movie and because Cartoon Network wanted to focus on other projects in "DC Nation."
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The animated series Green Lantern is based on the DC Comics superhero. Cartoon Network's "DC Nation" block airs the show. The show lasted from November11, 2011 through March16,2013, with a new episode every week. New York Comic Con 2011 screened the first episode on Oct.15, 2011. This is the first CGI DC/WB series and Green Lantern TV show. The show was canceled after one season due to poor toy sales from the live-action movie and because Cartoon Network wanted to focus on other projects in "DC Nation."