High School Reunion is a reality TV show that follows real-life high school reunions. The show first aired on The WB for two seasons between 2003 and 2005. It was about classes getting together after ten years. A new version of the series started airing on TV Land on March 5, 2008. It is about the 20-year reunion of the class of 1987 from J.J. Pearce High School in Richardson, Texas. The series, which was shot in Maui, had documentary-style interviews with the students, who were given "labels" to describe their high school roles. When the show came back on TV Land in February 2009, members of the Class of 1988 from Chandler High School in Chandler, Arizona got together, and it was said that one of them would reveal a big secret. Again, people in the class were called things like "The Class Clown," "The Cowboy," etc. The show came back on January13,2010, with the first episode of its third season. It follows the students from Las Vegas, Nevada's Chaparral High School Class of 1989.
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High School Reunion is a reality TV show that follows real-life high school reunions. The show first aired on The WB for two seasons between 2003 and 2005. It was about classes getting together after ten years. A new version of the series started airing on TV Land on March 5, 2008. It is about the 20-year reunion of the class of 1987 from J.J. Pearce High School in Richardson, Texas. The series, which was shot in Maui, had documentary-style interviews with the students, who were given "labels" to describe their high school roles. When the show came back on TV Land in February 2009, members of the Class of 1988 from Chandler High School in Chandler, Arizona got together, and it was said that one of them would reveal a big secret. Again, people in the class were called things like "The Class Clown," "The Cowboy," etc. The show came back on January13,2010, with the first episode of its third season. It follows the students from Las Vegas, Nevada's Chaparral High School Class of 1989.