Identity is a British television police procedural drama series that starred Aidan Gillen and Keeley Hawes and was broadcast in the UK over the months of July and August in 2010. Ed Whitmore, who is best known for his work on the BBC show Waking the Dead and the famous ITV mini-series He Kills Coppers, is the man who devised and wrote the series, which is about identity theft. He is also responsible for its creation. The American television network ABC has acquired the rights to produce its own version of the show and has purchased the remake rights. On October19,2010, ITV announced that the show would not be continuing after its initial run of one season.
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Identity is a British television police procedural drama series that starred Aidan Gillen and Keeley Hawes and was broadcast in the UK over the months of July and August in 2010. Ed Whitmore, who is best known for his work on the BBC show Waking the Dead and the famous ITV mini-series He Kills Coppers, is the man who devised and wrote the series, which is about identity theft. He is also responsible for its creation. The American television network ABC has acquired the rights to produce its own version of the show and has purchased the remake rights. On October19,2010, ITV announced that the show would not be continuing after its initial run of one season.