Jericho is a British crime drama series that premiered on ITV in 2005. It starred Robert Lindsay as Detective Inspector Michael Jericho, who is liked by the public but embarrassed by his hero status. It was devised and written by Stewart Harcourt. The series is set in 1958 in London. The series aired on PBS Mystery! in the United States in 2006 and2007, and on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 2008.
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Jericho is a British crime drama series that premiered on ITV in 2005. It starred Robert Lindsay as Detective Inspector Michael Jericho, who is liked by the public but embarrassed by his hero status. It was devised and written by Stewart Harcourt. The series is set in 1958 in London. The series aired on PBS Mystery! in the United States in 2006 and2007, and on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 2008.