Misfit Garage is a spin-off of the popular series Fast N' Loud. The show follows the adventures of four mechanics who have all done business with Richard Rawling's Gas Monkey Garage and decide to work together to open their own hot rod shop that can compete with Gas Monkey. Will this ragtag bunch of outcasts be able to transform their garage into a cash-generating machine, or will the blunders they make cause their company to fail before it even gets off the ground?
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Misfit Garage is a spin-off of the popular series Fast N' Loud. The show follows the adventures of four mechanics who have all done business with Richard Rawling's Gas Monkey Garage and decide to work together to open their own hot rod shop that can compete with Gas Monkey. Will this ragtag bunch of outcasts be able to transform their garage into a cash-generating machine, or will the blunders they make cause their company to fail before it even gets off the ground?