Reality television show Most Haunted is a British investigation into the supernatural. The show premiered on May25,2002, and aired until July21,2010, when it was cancelled. The program, directed by Yvette Fielding, looked at reports of paranormal activity in a variety of locales in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and elsewhere. An Antix Productions production, it aired on Living TV, Livingit, and Channel One on satellite and cable. It aired on the Travel Channel in the United States.
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Reality television show Most Haunted is a British investigation into the supernatural. The show premiered on May25,2002, and aired until July21,2010, when it was cancelled. The program, directed by Yvette Fielding, looked at reports of paranormal activity in a variety of locales in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and elsewhere. An Antix Productions production, it aired on Living TV, Livingit, and Channel One on satellite and cable. It aired on the Travel Channel in the United States.