NEW EDEN is a true crime parody that spans the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s over the course of eight half-hour episodes. It begins in1977, when Katherine Wryfield (Lorette) and Grace Lee (Rosen) attempt to establish "New Eden," a large-scale female utopia on the scale of the United States of America. However, in the inexperienced hands of Lee and Wryfield, the society swiftly devolves into drug-addled, alien-goddess-worshipping chaos...and even murder. Without a doubt, there's some murder going on.
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NEW EDEN is a true crime parody that spans the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s over the course of eight half-hour episodes. It begins in1977, when Katherine Wryfield (Lorette) and Grace Lee (Rosen) attempt to establish "New Eden," a large-scale female utopia on the scale of the United States of America. However, in the inexperienced hands of Lee and Wryfield, the society swiftly devolves into drug-addled, alien-goddess-worshipping chaos...and even murder. Without a doubt, there's some murder going on.