2014 will see the premiere of the Australian television series Party Tricks on Network Ten. The six-part series chronicles the narrative of Kate Ballard, a dedicated and rigorous politician who seems certain to become the next State Premier until a popular television and radio personality, David McLeod, is unexpectedly chosen as the new opposition leader. Kate and David had a turbulent affair in secret. Michael Lucas created the six-part drama, which is produced by John Edwards and Imogen Banks for Southern Star Entertainment.
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2014 will see the premiere of the Australian television series Party Tricks on Network Ten. The six-part series chronicles the narrative of Kate Ballard, a dedicated and rigorous politician who seems certain to become the next State Premier until a popular television and radio personality, David McLeod, is unexpectedly chosen as the new opposition leader. Kate and David had a turbulent affair in secret. Michael Lucas created the six-part drama, which is produced by John Edwards and Imogen Banks for Southern Star Entertainment.