The plot of Shuffle! follows the lives of Rin Tsuchimi, a normal second-year high school student aged seventeen who is pursued by a variety of girls. Eight years earlier to the beginning of the novel, he lost his parents in a vehicle accident in which Kaede Fuyou's mother also perished. From that point on, he began to reside with her. Approximately at the same time he lost his parents, he met Lisianthus and Nerine, who were following their respective fathers on diplomatic missions in the human world. Each girl grew disoriented after exploring the human world. During that time, Rin befriended each girl after spending a day playing with them. As a result of his benevolence, Rin is a potential spouse for both Lisianthus and Nerine, the daughters of the kings of the god and demon worlds, who have recently transferred to Rin's school at the beginning of the novel.
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The plot of Shuffle! follows the lives of Rin Tsuchimi, a normal second-year high school student aged seventeen who is pursued by a variety of girls. Eight years earlier to the beginning of the novel, he lost his parents in a vehicle accident in which Kaede Fuyou's mother also perished. From that point on, he began to reside with her. Approximately at the same time he lost his parents, he met Lisianthus and Nerine, who were following their respective fathers on diplomatic missions in the human world. Each girl grew disoriented after exploring the human world. During that time, Rin befriended each girl after spending a day playing with them. As a result of his benevolence, Rin is a potential spouse for both Lisianthus and Nerine, the daughters of the kings of the god and demon worlds, who have recently transferred to Rin's school at the beginning of the novel.