Solsidan is a Swedish television comedy series that debuted on TV4 on the 29th of January in the year 2010. The name of the series comes from a neighborhood in Saltsjobaden that is referred to as Solsidan. The story focuses on Alex and Anna, a young couple who are expecting their first child and have recently moved into Alex's boyhood home in Saltsjobaden, which is located in Stockholm County. Alex works on persuading Anna to have a good time while also spending time with Fredde, a childhood friend of his. In the first season, there were going to be a total of ten episodes. On January16,2011, the launch of the second season of the show, which also consists of ten episodes, took place.
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Solsidan is a Swedish television comedy series that debuted on TV4 on the 29th of January in the year 2010. The name of the series comes from a neighborhood in Saltsjobaden that is referred to as Solsidan. The story focuses on Alex and Anna, a young couple who are expecting their first child and have recently moved into Alex's boyhood home in Saltsjobaden, which is located in Stockholm County. Alex works on persuading Anna to have a good time while also spending time with Fredde, a childhood friend of his. In the first season, there were going to be a total of ten episodes. On January16,2011, the launch of the second season of the show, which also consists of ten episodes, took place.