Spawn is an animated television series created by Todd McFarlane and produced by HBO. It ran from 1997 to 1999 and was broadcast on the network. Additionally, a film series compilation has been made available for purchase on DVD. It was adapted from Image Comics' Spawn comic book series, and in 1999 it competed for and won the Emmy for Outstanding Animation Program. A separate animated series with the same name, Spawn: The Animation, has been in production since2009, with Keith David playing the part of the main character once again. The television show, much like the comic book it's based on, involves violent violence, sexual scenes, and heavy profanity. On the list of the greatest comic book cartoons of all time compiled by IGN, Todd McFarlane's Spawn was placed in fifth place.
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Spawn is an animated television series created by Todd McFarlane and produced by HBO. It ran from 1997 to 1999 and was broadcast on the network. Additionally, a film series compilation has been made available for purchase on DVD. It was adapted from Image Comics' Spawn comic book series, and in 1999 it competed for and won the Emmy for Outstanding Animation Program. A separate animated series with the same name, Spawn: The Animation, has been in production since2009, with Keith David playing the part of the main character once again. The television show, much like the comic book it's based on, involves violent violence, sexual scenes, and heavy profanity. On the list of the greatest comic book cartoons of all time compiled by IGN, Todd McFarlane's Spawn was placed in fifth place.