George A. Romero is responsible for the creation of the anthology horror television series Tales from the Darkside, which debuted on television in 1984. Each episode featured a standalone short story that concluded with a surprising twist, much like Amazing Stories, The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, The Outer Limits, Tales From the Crypt, and Lee Martin's The Midnight Hour. The episodes of the series covered a wide range of genres, including horror, science fiction, and fantasy. In addition, certain episodes had aspects of black humour or themes that were more cheerful.
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George A. Romero is responsible for the creation of the anthology horror television series Tales from the Darkside, which debuted on television in 1984. Each episode featured a standalone short story that concluded with a surprising twist, much like Amazing Stories, The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, The Outer Limits, Tales From the Crypt, and Lee Martin's The Midnight Hour. The episodes of the series covered a wide range of genres, including horror, science fiction, and fantasy. In addition, certain episodes had aspects of black humour or themes that were more cheerful.