The Unexplained is a popular American paranormal television series that first debuted on A&E on January 2, 1996 and ran until May 7, 2000. The show has since moved to the Biography Channel, where it has been airing since May 7, 2000. This program explores a wide range of mysterious themes, including the supernatural, psychic phenomena, and other occurrences that are generally regarded as being inexplicable. Bill Kurtis provides the narration for the earlier episodes of the series.
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The Unexplained is a popular American paranormal television series that first debuted on A&E on January 2, 1996 and ran until May 7, 2000. The show has since moved to the Biography Channel, where it has been airing since May 7, 2000. This program explores a wide range of mysterious themes, including the supernatural, psychic phenomena, and other occurrences that are generally regarded as being inexplicable. Bill Kurtis provides the narration for the earlier episodes of the series.