Undercover Boss is a British television reality show. Each episode features a person in a senior management position at a major corporation who decides to go undercover as an entry-level employee to expose the company's flaws. The first series, consisting of two episodes, premiered in2009, followed by a second season of six episodes a year later. The Undercover Boss franchise began with this original series. Localized versions of the show format are now being produced in the United States, Australia, Germany, and Canada, and will soon be available in Denmark, Spain, Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Israel.
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Undercover Boss is a British television reality show. Each episode features a person in a senior management position at a major corporation who decides to go undercover as an entry-level employee to expose the company's flaws. The first series, consisting of two episodes, premiered in2009, followed by a second season of six episodes a year later. The Undercover Boss franchise began with this original series. Localized versions of the show format are now being produced in the United States, Australia, Germany, and Canada, and will soon be available in Denmark, Spain, Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Israel.