When the Camellia Blooms is the narrative of Dongbaek, an orphan who became a single mother as an adult. She is the owner of a tiny pub named "Dongbaek," which translates to "camellia" in English. After meeting Yongsik, a do-gooder police officer in their tiny town, her life takes an unexpected turn. Despite social stigma against single parenthood, they fall in love. Having been raised by a single mother himself, Yongsik understands Dongbaek's difficulties and embraces her with great affection.
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When the Camellia Blooms is the narrative of Dongbaek, an orphan who became a single mother as an adult. She is the owner of a tiny pub named "Dongbaek," which translates to "camellia" in English. After meeting Yongsik, a do-gooder police officer in their tiny town, her life takes an unexpected turn. Despite social stigma against single parenthood, they fall in love. Having been raised by a single mother himself, Yongsik understands Dongbaek's difficulties and embraces her with great affection.