'Widows' was a primetime British television series that aired on Thames Television and ITV in 1983. It was written by crime novelist Lynda La Plante for a six-part series. Verity Lambert was the show's executive producer. Throughout the first season and in the final credits of Widows2, "What Is Life to Me Without Thee" from the opera L'Orfeo, sung here by Kathleen Ferrier, was used to elicit a melancholy effect.
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'Widows' was a primetime British television series that aired on Thames Television and ITV in 1983. It was written by crime novelist Lynda La Plante for a six-part series. Verity Lambert was the show's executive producer. Throughout the first season and in the final credits of Widows2, "What Is Life to Me Without Thee" from the opera L'Orfeo, sung here by Kathleen Ferrier, was used to elicit a melancholy effect.