Wonderland is a short-lived and contentious ABC television drama directed by Peter Berg that aired in 2000. It presented daily life at a mental institution from both the physicians' and patients' views. During its initial run on ABC in 2000, only two episodes aired. Beginning January 14, 2009, DirecTV showed all eight episodes on their channel The 101 Network. The show took a number of controversial stances on the mental health epidemic and its treatment. The series was included in TV Guide's 2013 list of 60 shows that were "Canceled Too Soon."
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Wonderland is a short-lived and contentious ABC television drama directed by Peter Berg that aired in 2000. It presented daily life at a mental institution from both the physicians' and patients' views. During its initial run on ABC in 2000, only two episodes aired. Beginning January 14, 2009, DirecTV showed all eight episodes on their channel The 101 Network. The show took a number of controversial stances on the mental health epidemic and its treatment. The series was included in TV Guide's 2013 list of 60 shows that were "Canceled Too Soon."