Yukon Men is an unscripted American cable television series that airs on the Discovery Channel. Paper Route Productions is in charge of the production. The series depicts life in the harsh Alaskan settlement of Tanana, where the populace survives by hunting and trapping game. It debuted on August 24, 2012. The main themes of the show are camaraderie and survival. The television show is named after the neighboring Yukon River, not Canada's Yukon territory.
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Yukon Men is an unscripted American cable television series that airs on the Discovery Channel. Paper Route Productions is in charge of the production. The series depicts life in the harsh Alaskan settlement of Tanana, where the populace survives by hunting and trapping game. It debuted on August 24, 2012. The main themes of the show are camaraderie and survival. The television show is named after the neighboring Yukon River, not Canada's Yukon territory.