Naruto Shippuuden is a spin-off of the original Naruto anime series. The plot follows an older and slightly more matured Uzumaki Naruto on a mission to save his comrade Uchiha Sasuke from the clutches of the snake-like Shinobi Orochimaru. Naruto returns to home town of Konoha after two and a half years and begins to put his desires into action, though it will not be simple, since he has amassed a few (more deadly) adversaries, including as the shinobi organization Akatsuki.
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Naruto Shippuuden is a spin-off of the original Naruto anime series. The plot follows an older and slightly more matured Uzumaki Naruto on a mission to save his comrade Uchiha Sasuke from the clutches of the snake-like Shinobi Orochimaru. Naruto returns to home town of Konoha after two and a half years and begins to put his desires into action, though it will not be simple, since he has amassed a few (more deadly) adversaries, including as the shinobi organization Akatsuki.