Tangle is an Australian drama series that airs on the Showcase subscription television channel in the United States. The intertwined lives of two different generations of two different families serve as the story's focal point. Filmed in Melbourne, Tangle had its world premiere on October 1st, 2009 in Australia. Jessica Hobbs, Matthew Saville, and Stuart McDonald are the directors, and Fiona Seres, Tony McNamara, and Judi McCrossin are responsible for the script's writing. Up to this point, there have been a total of three seasons. The episodes of Tangle are set to start airing on the Foxtel channel known as SoHo.
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Tangle is an Australian drama series that airs on the Showcase subscription television channel in the United States. The intertwined lives of two different generations of two different families serve as the story's focal point. Filmed in Melbourne, Tangle had its world premiere on October 1st, 2009 in Australia. Jessica Hobbs, Matthew Saville, and Stuart McDonald are the directors, and Fiona Seres, Tony McNamara, and Judi McCrossin are responsible for the script's writing. Up to this point, there have been a total of three seasons. The episodes of Tangle are set to start airing on the Foxtel channel known as SoHo.