The third installment of the Jackass series, Jackass 3D, is a 3-D film. It is based on the same plot as the first two films and the television series. It's a mash-up of pranks, stunts, and sketches. Beavis and Butthead give a little explanation to the 3D technology used in the film before it starts. In the opening sequence, the cast forms a line and is then attacked in slow motion by various things. The franchise, which began in 2000, celebrates its tenth anniversary with this film.
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The third installment of the Jackass series, Jackass 3D, is a 3-D film. It is based on the same plot as the first two films and the television series. It's a mash-up of pranks, stunts, and sketches. Beavis and Butthead give a little explanation to the 3D technology used in the film before it starts. In the opening sequence, the cast forms a line and is then attacked in slow motion by various things. The franchise, which began in 2000, celebrates its tenth anniversary with this film.