Witchblade is an anime series based on the same-named American comic book series. Instead of adapting the original plot, the producers chose to develop a completely new setting with entirely new people. This co-production was licensed for release in the United States by Japanese studio Gonzo and American publisher Top Cow, who holds the rights to the Witchblade franchise. In January 2008, the English dub premiered on the US cable network IFC. The show ran on IFC on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 3:30 a.m. ET, with the series finale airing on June13, 2008. The show is also accessible on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network as a pay-to-download service. The first twelve episodes can also be downloaded from Amazon's Unbox service. The show is also available as an instant stream on Netflix. It was free on Hulu as of June 2011. As of December2008, there were 6 Volumes on DVD available in the United States and Canada, with Vol. 1 released in September 2007. There is also a boxed set that includes all 24 episodes as well as an extra DVD with bonus features. On November3,2009, a Blu-ray box set was released. Yoshimitsu Ohashi, who directed Galaxy Angel and Galaxy Angel Z, directed the anime, while Uno Makoto, who designed Stellvia and Love Hina, designed the characters.
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Witchblade is an anime series based on the same-named American comic book series. Instead of adapting the original plot, the producers chose to develop a completely new setting with entirely new people. This co-production was licensed for release in the United States by Japanese studio Gonzo and American publisher Top Cow, who holds the rights to the Witchblade franchise. In January 2008, the English dub premiered on the US cable network IFC. The show ran on IFC on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 3:30 a.m. ET, with the series finale airing on June13, 2008. The show is also accessible on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network as a pay-to-download service. The first twelve episodes can also be downloaded from Amazon's Unbox service. The show is also available as an instant stream on Netflix. It was free on Hulu as of June 2011. As of December2008, there were 6 Volumes on DVD available in the United States and Canada, with Vol. 1 released in September 2007. There is also a boxed set that includes all 24 episodes as well as an extra DVD with bonus features. On November3,2009, a Blu-ray box set was released. Yoshimitsu Ohashi, who directed Galaxy Angel and Galaxy Angel Z, directed the anime, while Uno Makoto, who designed Stellvia and Love Hina, designed the characters.